Manson, did we miss the warning signs?

2 min readFeb 5, 2021
Marilyn Manson dressed in white, photo by Terry Richardson

In light of the recent allegations against Marilyn Mason, some may be shocked and disappointed, others may just be the latter, but what most people agree on, is how did we miss this?

The shocking (and disappointing) truth may well be is that we did not miss this. This is not “new” news, although the allegations have only come out this year (2021), there have been rumours, whispers, and shouting claims that this behaviour isn’t unnatural the Manson.

If you are an avid fan of Manson you will already known of his darker, dare I say, evil, aesthetic to what we are familiar with in pop culture. With images depicting child abusers being shot, voyeuristic sex, and disturbing sexual surgery, all from one video, it isn’t a question why Manson is so notorious.

However, it isn’t just his aesthetic that is lewd and taboo, it leaks into his personality, his lifestyle, and his private affairs as well.

Manson has easily exploited his shock factor lifestyle to further build his collection of fans, from the origin of his name to his behaviour on stage, it was clear to everyone something just wasn’t quite right.

He has urinated on fans, pressed his manhood against a security guards head, and once boasted of smoking human bones, and whilst these may not signify anything “wrong” with him, his disregard of consent from others, should have been enough to raise at least a few eyebrows.

In 1998 he had already revealed his true colours as an abuser, after detailing the abuse his mother suffered at his hands in his book. He said he “hit her, spit on her and tried to choke her. She never retaliated. She just cried, and I never felt sorry for her.”.

The very same book where he admits to plotting the murder of his ex-girlfriend, by setting her on fire, it is heart wrenching to believe this was swept under the rug.

Although over two decades ago, in an interview in 2007, he once again admitted to murderous and abusive intentions. Fantasizing about “smashing her [Evan Rachel Wood] skull with a sledgehammer”, whilst cutting himself with a razorblade to “show her the pain she put me through” is threatening and terrifying, more than enough to bring his abusive tendencies, back into the spotlight.

The sheer fact that Manson, although receiving backlash, was able to keep his platform and career, time after time, no question to the safety of anyone involved with him, is extremely questionable. Did no one really make the connection between Manson and abuser? Were we all really that tone deaf to the situation?

The answer, quite obviously now, is no.




Criminal Investigation with Policing postgraduate and true crime blogger.